To: Someone I've Been Longing To Meet

Dear Someone I've Been Longing To Meet,

I never knew what's exactly perfect to start a letter. "Hi" is too mainstream. What's worse is, i am also always confused about what to write, what to tell, after i say "Hi". I always want something different, but could never really figure out to start a letter with another word but...


Before you scroll your eyes further, let me warn you that, this letter, might not only tacky, but might also sound un-understandable. I have this problem with combining words. I want to write good, beautiful letter to you, but if it sounds weird instead, i am sorry. What you really have to know is, i write this with all the love left. Should be studying physics by now, but i think of you instead.

Who are you, maaan? Are you someone i already know, but you never really show it off? Or are you one of the people i met in the crowded place? Oh, or are you a total stranger i will meet just later?

Where are you? Are you in some hours earlier? Or are you even in the same time zone with me? Are you actually so close but i never realize? Or are you actually far, but you will make it close later?

Do you actually really exist?

Dear Someone I've Been Longing To Meet, recently love been turning me upside down that i kind of don't believe that it really exists. It's not love that i hate, actually. Well, i actually believe it exists too. I see it does exist in the way my dad sees my mom in the eyes, and vice versa. I see it does exist in the way my grandpa hold my grandma tightly and help her to stand when she wasn't able to. I even see it in animals, how the pigeons don't look for another pigeons after their partners died.

Well, i am just thinking, that it would be safe if i never fall, ever again. Who would fall just to know that no one is able to catch you, or even worse, wouldn't willing to even try? I am a bad lover, Dear Someone. When i love someone, i just can't barely control it.

Dear Someone I've Been Longing To Meet, i never know how we will meet, really. I don't know when, too. And, lately i am not so sure that we will actually meet and end up together. What if (please notice before that i hate the word "what if") when we meet, you will not understand me? What if i am not actually the lady you think you'd fight for? What if we actually made to meet each other, but ended up to be not more than that. Things happen, right? Hey, i really have no idea who you are. But, i want you to know that all these things really make me afraid.

I might not the person you've been expecting, you know.

I know this might be too early to wonder how you actually like. But you know how your mind could be so much out of control that it wanders just wherever.

Dear Someone I've Been Longing To Meet, i wonder if you like watching movies as much as i do, or if you read books too. I wonder if how your snore sounds, and your face when you get sleepy. I wonder what's your hobby. I wonder what football team you are a big fan of, and i wonder if you don't even like it. I wonder what's your response to the theory i made by myself based on philosophy books i read and tell it to you by my most convincing face. Will you say "oh my, that's nonsense" or "wow, i never thought a person like you would think that far"? Oh Dear Someone, i really am curious. A speck more curious than how machines and those scientific thingy work.

I've been through a quite long relationship, and i bet you have been through it too. I won't lie and say that it doesn't really mean to me. After all, he was a kind guy and had dealt with my nonsense stories i made by myself, my stubbornness and selfishness for more than a year. I am not someone who is easy to deal with, you know. We barely even argued, and i felt like there's nothing wrong but it just ended, like that. See, how two lovebirds could really fall for each other then become a total stranger, simply?

Please just get out and see me, Dear Someone. Show yourself, prove that you exist. Convince me that i can fall in love safely, cause i am not so sure anymore. Oh and, if you are not sure too, or if you plan to leave me on one random day, let's just never meet, it would be easier and safer that way, wouldn't it?

Oh, what the fuck did I just wrote.


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