
Showing posts from August, 2017

To the 2015-kind-of-love

Taken from a page of my (very personal) 2015 journal. I thought of Love as this sacred thing one could only touch after certain rituals. But then Love comes spontaneously beneath the wings of the wild butterflies that attack my stomach without any warning. Love comes along with the hopelessness and an indescribable tiredness after a day full of shits. Love comes with a little smile and sarcastic tone. Love is careless, skeptical, and a little bit rude. But seeing Love is sweet, like a real-life version of Here Comes Your Man by The Pixies . Remembering Love is warm, like a random hug from the back that shakes me to my bones. Love isn't interested in most of the things I talk about, not even sees me in the way I have expected. Love is nothing like what I see every night in my dreams. But I know, I always wanna be awake everytime Love pops on my mind. Although, Love is just kidding!