
Showing posts from February, 2014

Sebelum Lulus SMA

It’s D-50 days to National Exam already. Oh wow, time really rocks. Diantara sibuk-sibuknya mempersiapkan diri buat UN, here i found myself romanticizing with those good old days in Dwiwarna. It started 3 years ago, when i received a text from my mom, telling me that Dwiwarna just called and told her i was accepted. Kalau nggak salah waktu itu lagi ngukur baju wisuda sama beberapa temen SMP lainnya.  Bulan Juni pada tahun yang sama, akhirnya resmi jadi siswi SMA Dwiwarna (Boarding School). Lucu sih kalau inget dulu awkward mampus satu sama lain, kentut aja malu-malu, ngaku abis boker aja kaya pengakuan dosa. Sekarang, malah lomba kentut siapa yang paling bau, dan boker minta ditemenin dengan pintu toilet dibuka.  Diawali dengan POSBA (Pekan Orientasi Siswa Baru) Dwiwarna yang super keren, terlepas dari menyeramkannya kakak kelas dan capeknya push-up, it made us got to know each other very well. Awalnya, aturan buat pulang 2 minggu sekali pastinya berasa hukuman...

To: Someone I've Been Longing To Meet

Dear Someone I've Been Longing To Meet, I never knew what's exactly perfect to start a letter. "Hi" is too mainstream. What's worse is, i am also always confused about what to write, what to tell, after i say "Hi". I always want something different, but could never really figure out to start a letter with another word but... Hi. Before you scroll your eyes further, let me warn you that, this letter, might not only tacky, but might also sound un-understandable. I have this problem with combining words. I want to write good, beautiful letter to you, but if it sounds weird instead, i am sorry. What you really have to know is, i write this with all the love left. Should be studying physics by now, but i think of you instead. Who are you, maaan? Are you someone i already know, but you never really show it off? Or are you one of the people i met in the crowded place? Oh, or are you a total stranger i will meet just later? Where are you? Are you in so...