16th Birthday

I finally come to the fact that i can't escape from being 16. Somehow i am just not ready yet but i realize being ready is just a process. Life goes on, maaaan.

People are saying happy birthday on my twitter, facebook, and some send me SMS. Thank you Ibu dan Ayah, for taking care of me 16 years long. Thank you for the wishes, guys. And my friends, for the surprise.

Tadi lagi iseng gitu liat BBM Ridha, gataunya ada BBM dari Cia, isinya kurang lebih --> "Hey  entar abis makan malem ngumpul ya di lobi sekolah buat surprise ulang tahunnya Silmi" and i was like... antara terharu dan pengen ketawa. But one more time, thank you my dear friends!!!

So, finally, it's time to start another new 365 days of my life. Wish me luck for making it better.


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